Inferring Mechanisms of Compensation from E-MAP and SGA Data Using Local Search Algorithms for Max Cut
Leiserson, M., Tatar, D., Cowen, L., and Hescott, B. (2010)
Department of Computer Science, Tufts University
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M. Leiserson, D. Tatar, L. Cowen and B. Hescott,
"Inferring Mechanisms of Compensation from E-MAP and SGA Data Using Local Search Algorithms for Max Cut,"
Recomb 2011, pp. 154-167.
BPMs & Modules |
Local Cut: |
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The Local Cut BPMs were produced using the Local Cut algorithm described in the paper on the ChromBio E-MAP from [ 4 ].
Imputed: |
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The Imputed BPMs were produced using the Local Cut algorithm described in the paper on the imputed ChromBio E-MAP from [ 5 ].
Boone (Collins Genes): |
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The Boone (ChromBio Genes) BPMs were produced using the Local Cut algorithm described in the paper on the Boone Intermediate SGA from [ 6 ], but only using interactions involving the ChromBio set of genes.
Boone (All Genes): |
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The Boone BPMs were produced using the Local Cut algorithm described in the paper on the Boone Intermediate SGA from [ 6 ].
Fiedler: |
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The Fiedler BPMs were produced using the Local Cut algorithm described in the paper on the MAP-K E-MAP from [ 6 ].
Roguev: |
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The Roguev BPMs were produced using the Local Cut algorithm described in the paper on the S. Pombe E-MAP from [ 7 ].
Figures |
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Datasets Used
Genetic Interactions |
Physical Interactions |
BioGRID: |
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Reference: [ 9 ]
These protein interactions are all the interactions in the BioGRID 3.0.66 release of BioGRID of where the experiment type was 'physical.'
Ulitsky et al.: |
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Reference: [ 1 ]
These protein interactions were downloaded from the supplemental figures in [ 1 ].
Expression Data |
Hibbs et al.: |
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Reference: [ 10 ]
This is a single file with all the expression data used for the correlated expression test, first created by [ 3 ].
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Fiedler D., Braberg H., Mehta M., Chechik G., Cagney G., Mukherjee P., Silva A. C., Shales M., Collins S. R., van Wageningen S., Kemmeren P., Holstege F. C. P., Weissman J. S., Christopher-Keogh M., Koller D., Shokat K. M., Krogan N. J. (2009) Functional organization of the S. cerevisiae phosphorylation network. Cell 136, 952– 963.
A. Roguev, S. Bandyopadhyay, M. Zofall, K. Zhang, T. Fischer, S.R. Collins, H. Qu, M. Shales, H.-O. Park and J. Hayles et al., Conservation and rewiring of functional modules revealed by an epistasis map in fission yeast, Science 322 (2008), pp. 405–410.
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Visit the Repository
Hibbs, M.A., Hess, D.C., Myers, C.L., Huttenhower, C., Li, K., Troyanskaya, O.G.: Exploring the functional landscape of gene expression: directed search of large microarray compendia. Bioinformatics 23(20), 2692–2699 (2007).