Welcome to the Website for TuftsViewer, an open source program that allows the visualization, rotation and coordinated viewing of multiple 3D protein molecules on the 2D screen. TuftsViewer is currently being made freely available under the GPL license, version 2.0 (link): email us for information about licensing TuftsViewer if you want to use it in a manner incompatible with the GPL (for example, for inclusion in a nonfree software package).
We are currently hosting the TuftsViewer code on Google Code (link).
Here is a Tutorial on using TuftsViewer
If you use TuftsViewer, please cite the following:
Matt Menke, TuftsViewer: Visualizing Proteins with Multiple Views,
manuscript, 2010
Matt Menke, Sara Su, Connor Gramazio, Caitlin Crumm, Daniela
Extrum-Fernandez and Lenore Cowen, TuftsViewer: An Intuitive Interface
for viewing 3D Protein Structures, Proceedings of ISMB 3DSIG, p. 24.
If you have any question, comments suggestions for the code, please email tuftsviewer AT eecs.tufts.edu
This work is supported by grant 1R01GM080330-01A1 (to LC)