Genes in this set(8):

     Std. name     Sys. name     SGDID
     MRP17     YKL003C     S000001486
     TOP3     YLR234W     S000004224
      YLR235C     S000004225
     MFT1     YML062C     S000004527
     MRE11     YMR224C     S000004837
     HMS1     YOR032C     S000005558
     EXO1     YOR033C     S000005559
     RMI1     YPL024W     S000005945

Enriched GO terms in this set:

GO:0003674 (molecular_function)
"Elemental activities, such as catalysis or binding, describing the actions of a gene product at the molecular level. A given gene product may exhibit one or more molecular functions."

    GO:0005488 (binding)
    "The selective, often stoichiometric, interaction of a molecule with one or more specific sites on another molecule."

        GO:0003676 (nucleic acid binding) [p = 0.004   (5/51: TOP3; MFT1; MRE11; HMS1; RMI1)]
        "Interacting selectively with any nucleic acid."
