Genes in this set(15):

     Std. name     Sys. name     SGDID
     SAT4     YCR008W     S000000601
     HCM1     YCR065W     S000000661
     BOI2     YER114C     S000000916
     DMA1     YHR115C     S000001157
     RPL34A     YER056C-A     S000002135
     MRPL1     YDR116C     S000002523
     EMI1     YDR512C     S000002920
      YGL217C     S000003185
     CLB4     YLR210W     S000004200
     CPR6     YLR216C     S000004206
      YLR217W     S000004207
     TUB3     YML124C     S000004593
     RIM13     YMR154C     S000004763
     DMA2     YNL116W     S000005060
     CSE2     YNR010W     S000005293

Enriched GO terms in this set:

GO:0008150 (biological_process)
"Those processes specifically pertinent to the functioning of integrated living units: cells, tissues, organs, and organisms. A process is a collection of molecular events with a defined beginning and end."

    GO:0009987 (cellular process)
    "Processes that are carried out at the cellular level, but are not necessarily restricted to a single cell. For example, cell communication occurs among more than one cell, but occurs at the cellular level."

        GO:0007049 (cell cycle)
        "The progression of biochemical and morphological phases and events that occur in a cell during successive cell replication or nuclear replication events. Canonically, the cell cycle comprises the replication and segregation of genetic material followed by the division of the cell, but in endocycles or syncytial cells nuclear replication or nuclear division may not be followed by cell division."

            GO:0000278 (mitotic cell cycle) [p = 0.004   (7/117: SAT4; HCM1; DMA1; CLB4; TUB3; DMA2; CSE2)]
            "Progression through the phases of the mitotic cell cycle, the most common eukaryotic cell cycle, which canonically comprises four successive phases called G1, S, G2, and M and includes replication of the genome and the subsequent segregation of chromosomes into daughter cells. In some variant cell cycles nuclear replication or nuclear division may not be followed by cell division, or G1 and G2 phases may be absent."
