Package bpm :: Module faread
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Module faread

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'' is a wrapper around '' that handles the nastiness of the data we get back.
Functions [hide private]
functionate(genes, modulecnt)
Sends a geneset to Funcassociate and returns its Go enrichment results.
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Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'bpm'
Function Details [hide private]

functionate(genes, modulecnt)

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Sends a geneset to Funcassociate and returns its Go enrichment results.

Handles a lot of the nastiness of parsing the return results. Namely, using the entity attribute table to actually get the names of genes that correspond to each GO enrichment.

  • genes - A set of gene identifiers.
  • modulecnt - The total number of modules in the BPM file. This corresponds to the 'reps' (reptitions) Funcassociate parameter.