Package bpm :: Module faclient
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Source Code for Module bpm.faclient

  1  """ 
  2  A client class for the FuncAssociate web service at 
  6  The documentation of the FuncAssociate API may be found at 
 13  Copyright (c) 2010, President and Fellows of Harvard College and 
 14  Gabriel Berriz  All rights reserved. 
 16  This module is distributed as "The Program" under the Harvard 
 17  University End-User License Agreement. 
 19  """ 
 21  # -*- mode: python -*- 
 22  ################################################################ 
 23  # funcassociate/ 
 24  # 
 25  # Copyright (c) 2010 President and Fellows of Harvard College 
 26  # and Gabriel F. Berriz (  All rights 
 27  # reserved. 
 28  ################################################################ 
 30  import re 
 31  import signal 
 32  import socket 
 33  from inspect import getargspec 
 35  import httplib 
 37  import json 
 39  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 42  DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL = '/cgi/funcassociate/serv' 
43 44 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 46 -class ServiceError(Exception):
47 """ 48 Exception raised when the response from server includes a non-null 49 error. 50 """
52 -class NetworkError(ServiceError):
53 """ 54 Exception raised when server fails to respond to a ping request. 55 """
57 -class TimeoutError(ServiceError):
58 """ 59 Exception raised when response from the server fails to arrive 60 within the prescribed time interval. 61 """
63 -class InputError(Exception):
64 """ 65 Exception raised by functionate method upon detecting bad inputs 66 from user. 67 """
69 -class _fc(object):
70 host = DEFAULT_SERVICE_HOST 71 url = DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL 72 headers = { 73 'Content-type': 'application/json', 74 } 75 timeout = 180 76
77 - def __init__(self, host=host, url=url, timeout=None):
78 = re.sub("\Ahttps?://", "", host) 79 self.url = re.sub("\Ahttps?://[^/]+/", "", url) 80 81 self.timeout = 30 82 try: 83 if != "OK": 84 raise ValueError() 85 except (socket.gaierror, ValueError): 86 raise NetworkError("No response from %s%s" % (host, url)) 87 88 if timeout is None: 89 timeout = _fc.timeout 90 91 try: 92 self.timeout = int(timeout) 93 assert self.timeout > 0 94 except: 95 raise ValueError("timeout parameter must be a positive number") 96 97 return
98 99 @staticmethod
100 - def _timeout(signo, frame):
101 raise TimeoutError()
103 - def _make_request(self, method, params=[]):
104 """ 105 Make a request to the Funcassociate web service. 106 107 @return: result 108 """ 109 conn = httplib.HTTPConnection( 110 payload = json.dumps({'method': method, 'params': params, 'id': 0}) 111 112 conn.request("POST", self.url, body=payload, 113 headers=_fc.headers) 114 115 hold = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _fc._timeout) 116 if self.timeout > 0: 117 signal.alarm(self.timeout) 118 try: 119 try: 120 response = conn.getresponse() 121 signal.alarm(0) 122 except TimeoutError: 123 signal.alarm(0) 124 raise TimeoutError("Request to %s timed out" % 125 finally: 126 signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, hold) 127 128 conn.close() 129 response_data = 130 decoded_response = json.loads(response_data) 131 132 if decoded_response['error']: 133 raise ServiceError(str(decoded_response['error']['message'])) 134 return decoded_response['result']
135 136 @staticmethod
137 - def _check_args(f, given):
138 spec = getargspec(f) 139 formals = spec[0] 140 defaults = spec[3] 141 # we disregard the first argument, self; hence the decrement 142 # by 1 below 143 max_ = len(formals) - 1 144 if defaults is None: 145 min_ = max_ 146 else: 147 min_ = max_ - len(defaults) 148 qual = None 149 150 if given < min_: 151 if max_ > min_: 152 qual = "at least %d" % min_ 153 else: 154 qual = "exactly %d" % min_ 155 if min_ > 1: 156 s = "s" 157 else: 158 s = "" 159 elif given > max_: 160 if max_ > min_: 161 qual = "at most %d" % max_ 162 elif max_ > 0: 163 qual = "exactly %d" % max_ 164 else: 165 qual = "no" 166 if max_ == 1: 167 s = "" 168 else: 169 s = "s" 170 171 if qual is not None: 172 raise TypeError("%s() takes %s " 173 "argument%s (%d given)" % 174 (f.__name__, qual, s, given))
176 - def _decorate(f):
177 def wrapper(self, *args): 178 _fc._check_args(f, len(args)) 179 return self._make_request(f.__name__, args)
180 return wrapper
181 182 @_decorate
183 - def available_species(self):
184 """ 185 @return: List of species supported by Funcassociate. 186 service. 187 """
188 189 @_decorate
190 - def available_namespaces(self, species):
191 """ 192 @return: List of namespaces supported by Funcassociate for the 193 given species. 194 """
195 196 @_decorate
197 - def go_associations(self, species, namespace, support=None):
198 """ 199 @return: List of GO associations used by Funcassociate 200 for the specified species, namespace, and support 201 """
202 203 @_decorate
204 - def go_attrib_dict(self):
205 """ 206 @return: Dictionary whose keys are GO attribute IDs and whose 207 values are their corresponding human-readable names. 208 """
209 210 @_decorate
211 - def version(self):
212 """ 213 @return: Version of Funcassociate server. 214 """
215 216 @_decorate
217 - def ping(self):
218 """ 219 @return: The string "OK". 220 """
221 222 @_decorate
223 - def fail(self):
224 """ 225 @return: nothing. 226 """
228 - def functionate(self, query=None, associations=None, 229 attrib_dict=None, species=None, namespace=None, 230 genespace=None, mode=None, which=None, 231 cutoff=None, reps=None):
232 """ 233 @return: functionate results structure 234 """ 235 params = locals() 236 del params['self'] 237 keys = params.keys() 238 for k in keys: 239 if params[k] is None: 240 del params[k] 241 result = self._make_request('functionate', [params]) 242 243 if result.has_key("input_error"): 244 raise InputError(result["input_error"]) 245 246 return result
247 248 FuncassociateClient = _fc 249 250 if '__main__' == __name__: 251 c = _fc() 252 response = c.functionate(query=("YBL071W-A", "YCL055W", "YCR094W", 253 "YDL127W", "YFL029C", "YGR271C-A", 254 "YHR099W", "YJR066W", "YKL203C", 255 "YNL289W"), 256 species="Saccharomyces cerevisiae", 257 namespace="sgd_systematic") 258 259 print "OVERREPRESENTED ATTRIBUTES" 260 261 headers = ("N", "X", "LOD", "P", "P_adj", "attrib ID", "attrib name") 262 print "\t".join(headers) 263 264 info = response["request_info"] 265 reps = info["reps"] 266 below_detection_threshhold = "< %f" % (1.0/float(reps)) 267 268 for row in response["over"]: 269 row.pop(1) 270 if row[4] is 0: 271 row[4] = below_detection_threshhold 272 print "\t".join(map(str, row)) 273 274 print "\nREQUEST INFO" 275 for k in info.keys(): 276 print "%s: %s" % (k, info[k]) 277